Moving on...


Dear friends and colleagues,

I am both sad and excited to announce that that I will be stepping down as Area Dean after 16 years in the role.  It has been a huge privilege to serve the people and churches of Milton Keynes, but the time has come for me to move on.

I will begin a new role as National Officer for Local Ecumenism, starting on May 1st.  This will be based in London and I hope to stay in Milton Keynes.

My final service as Area Dean will be on the evening of March 5th at 6:00pm with Evensong at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone.

This might seem quick, but we have had to delay an announcement while the paperwork was processed.

Discussions have already begun about any handovers.

In the meantime, please pray for me, and my new colleagues, as I will continue to pray for you.

All the best,



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